Friday, August 27, 2010


Well, here I am folks!!  This is my platform, or whatever politicians call it.  I am going to make it real simple.  I guess I need to tell y'all something about myself.   I put all that stuff at the end.

The reason I got involved in politics was to get the grass cut in my neighborhood park.  Seems if you live north of the Cervantes Street line the City services just aren't what they are south of the Cervantes line; unless, of course you live in East Hill, North Hill or along Scenic Highway. I  lived in East Hill once upon a time, before I migrated north to Uptown.

After moving north to  Uptown, I quickly observed that the north end of the City is like "out of sight, out of mind" from the perspective of the City Council folks.  Even the city council man who  was supposed to be representing District 2 seemed to lose his compass  -  getting north and south confused. 

The Downtowners and City Hallers don't want to admit the fact that District 2 isthe economic engine of Pensacola and the only district where much economic develop is happening, or is  going to happen in the immediate future.

 Our District 2 provides more tax revenue to the City  than any other district and gets the least in return.  For example, developers clear cut thousands of  trees in District 2 for develoments at on Airport, Brent Ln and the corner of Davis Hwy and Airport.   For all those trees the developers cut down they paid money into the tree fund.  Right now there is about  $1 million in the tree fund   The City Hallers and Downtowners are seeing green,( like in $$$$,) and will continue to use our tree fund to   beautify affluent areas and west Pensacola where the City Hallers  have big plans to create a western gateway to the City. Why can't we have a northern gateway? After all, isn't the airport in north Pensacola.

If  hogging the tree fund isn't enough ,here is some more stuff for you ; after hurricane Ivan , the City got thousands of dollars from FEMA to replant trees.  Do you think District 2 got any of that money - NO!  Most of it went for downtown improvements.  Don't hold me to this, but I believe the FEMA fund was around $600,000.00 for tree remediation.

I don't know about ya'll, but I am getting tired of the City mining district 2 for resources and revenue and not giving us our fair shake. All the politicians talk about "change", but what they really mean when it comes to our district is "shortchanged".


1.  We give ourselves a name - UPTOWN

2.  We define the  geographical area of  Uptown;  a  basically  large business and commercial area with a hospital, a college, an airport, motels, and neighborhoods that extend north to Olive Rd.  District 2 includes all of the commercial developments long  Airport going east to Davis Hwy.  It includes Sacred Heart Hospital and Cordova Mall.

3.  We determine our assets and contributions to the City, including being the largest tax producing revenue district  in the City, and the largest workforce.

4.   We create an "Uptown Roundtable" made up of small and large businesses, hospitals and medical facilities, facility and students from Pensacola State, all of our neighborhoods and other stakeholders.  We decide what we want to accomplish with our tax revenue and our tree fund to improve  and promote our businesses,  communities and  quality of  life.

5.  We need to improve our declining property values.  This can be done by promoting our district as a sustainable, walkable, bike riding and mass transit friendly community.  District 2 is the only area that has the potential to be truly a sustainable community.

6.  We need  to know what the Chamber of Commerce is doing to promote economic development in district 2. In other words - accountability.

7.  We need to develop a  beautification streetscape plan for our district using our tree fund. We need to use our tax revenue and other sources of funding to create bike lanes, handicap accessible curb cuts on sidewalks, safer streets and crosswalks.

8.  We need to develop smart, efficient, and usable mass transit for shoppers to the core businesses district of District 2 such as  Cordova Mall .  We need a transit system that supports our workforce.
There are many things that need to be done to improve our district.  We need to approach our  issue collectively and with unity.  

I have already witnessed the changes that can be brought about in a small community when folks get together and form small neighborhood associations.  We can make large changes if we come together collectively to address our issues and develop strategies to accomplish our goals.

Please consider voting for me as your representative from Uptown Pensacola, District 2 on the City Council.

  • BA degree from Vanderbilt Peabody College of Education and Human Development in Nashville Tennessee.
  • I can read and write. 
  • I guess ya'll can tell from my picture I am a pretty good looking older chick.
  • I am a law school graduate from the University of the District of Columbia David Clark School of Law in Washington, D.C. It use to be Antioch School of law. (My writing style should not be a reflection on my professors)
  • I am a member of the Kentucky Bar, the Florida Bar and inactive with the Tennessee Bar. I have been admitted to practice in 3 federal district courts.
  • I specialize in the civil rights of persons with disabilities.
  • I have a long history of advocating for people who do not have a lot of power.
  • I served on the Escambia Pensacola Human Relations Commission 
  • I serve on the Escambia County Mass Transit Citizens Advisory Committee.  I was appointed by Commissioner Jean Valentino to serve in that position.
  • I serve on the Bicycle - Pedistrian Committee of the Florida Transportation Planning Organization.
  • I have nine cats and a dog.
  • I love trees and often hug them and smell their bark.
  • I love just sitting around and talking, preferrably outdoors.
  • I don't have a TV. 
  • I had an incredible mama, Pearl Weaver
  • I have an incredible daughter, son-in-law and grand daughter.
By the way -  if you can spare a few dimes it will help get the word out. If you can't that's OK!.  Each person has a voice and that is free - just pass the word.

If you do want to make a contribution there  are certain things you have to do by law.  You got to give your name and address.  If you write a check it has to be written to Campaign of Sherri Myers, City Council District 2. Don't send anything over $200.00. 

The most important thing is to get out to voters face to face.  If you are up for the leather sole express and can knock on doors then - let's do it.

You got any great ideas  or concerns feel free to call (850) 484-0902.  You can e-mail me  at

See ya on the trail


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