Saturday, May 27, 2017

Carpenter's Creek Town Hall meeting

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Carpenter’s Creek Town Hall

 Words cannot express the joy I feel now that Escambia County owns the 8-acre headwaters of Carpenter’s Creek on Olive Rd. Never in my wildest dreams did I image that this land would belong to the people.  We now have the most important piece of the Carpenter’s Creek watershed in the hands of the people. Without the headwaters, we would be fighting an uphill battle in our efforts to save and restore Carpenter’s Creek. Therefore, this town hall meeting on May 30, 2017, will be a special meeting of joy and celebration.  Here is what is on the agenda:

1.    A five-minute video of the 8-acre headwaters.

2.    Recognition of the Escambia County Board Commissioners.

3.    A discussion of all ideas from the charrette held on February 2, 2017, moderated by Pat Murphy. Professional urban creek and stream experts will also be on hand to discuss possible strategies for restoring Carpenter’s Creek and developing greenways, including the opportunities for early access to the Olive Rd., headwaters.

4.     Plans to obtain Triumph Gulf Coast and Restore Funds (BP) and other funds.

Location - Asbury Place behind Cokesbury on 9th Ave.
Date:   Tusday, May 30, 2017 

 We will have a Carpenter’s Creek Celebration cake, pizza and drinks.  Come, celebrate, get inspired and energized.   
If you need special accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act please contact me as soon as possible.  For a sign language interpreter please allow 72 hours advance notice. 

222 W. Main Street, Pensacola, Florida

850-484-0902, Cell: 850-490-0054,, Facebook,