Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Carpenter Creek/Bayou Texar

We still Have a Chance 

There is still a chance to save Carpenter Creek if we act now.  In spite of all of the clear cutting along Airport Blvd, there is still a chance.  In spite of all of the trash, garbage, invasive vegetation, pollution, and commercial discharges in to the creek, there is still a chance. In spite of an almost total destruction of the creeks riparian zone, there is still a chance.  In spite of negligent and indifference from the Pensacola City Council and Mayor, there is still a chance.

If we act now we can save Carpenter Creek and Bayou Texar.  Saving the creek will require our collect strength and will. For the first time in my memory, Carpenter Creek is on the radar of local Escambia County officials, Florida DEP, Emerald Coast Keeper, Laurie Murphy and the West Florida Regional Planning Organization, creating an opportunity to use BP oil funds to address the issues that plaque Carpenter Creek and Bayou Texar.

On November 1, 2016, at 6:30pm, I will hold a town hall meeting to discuss and organize to obtain the BP funds to restore Carpenter Creek and to discuss stronger environmental codes within the City and County.  The town hall meeting will be at the Cokesbury United Methodist Church located on 9th Ave., across the street from Pensacola State College. 

Last week council staff mailed out 300 notices about the town hall meeting to all of the property owners along the creek within the City limits.  With the assistance of Laurie Murphy, I have been going door to door delivering notices about the town hall to residents and businesses along the creek.  The success of any effort to save the creek will depend on those who own her banks and stream beds.  So,  I want to act as a catalyst to bring people and resources together on Tuesday, November 1st.